May 2024 Press Release

20 May 2024

Dear Clients, Volunteers, Staff and Supporters of Meals on Wheels Moreton Bay Region Inc.,

We would like to reassure you all that we are committed to ensuring every Meals on Wheels

service will continue to provide this vital service for many more years to come. Building on

the traditions of the past 70 years to provide nutritious meals and connection within the 144

locations across Queensland having delivered over 2.7 million meals to over 19,000

Queenslanders in the past 12 months. Only possible through the dedication and support of

almost 7,000 volunteers whose hard work upholds Meals on Wheels’ reputation and


Thursday, a sensationalised headline was used to promote a story in regards to a member

service in Southeast Queensland who has chosen to cease providing services under Aged and

Community Care contracts held with the Federal and State Government. We, as the peak

body, have been aware of this decision. This provider has decided to withdraw from the

Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) services by September 2024 due to

funding challenges and rising costs. Unfortunately, this specific detail has not been clearly

communicated in their promotions.

Meals on Wheels Queensland understand a selection process in the Department of Health

and Aged Care will take place to ensure meal funding is transitioned to another provider,

ensuring the clients of these communities will not go without.

We are deeply regretful that this media activity has had a negative effect on those we hold

dear in Meals on Wheels and encourage anyone with questions to call us to discuss these on

1300 90 97 90.

Meals on Wheels Queensland will continue to advocate for more support for our member

services, clients and volunteers as we continue to see increased uptake in Meals on Wheels.

Your local service is also committed to continuing services in the City of Moreton Bay. Meals

on Wheels Moreton Bay Region Inc. is proud to provide clients with a connection to their

community, a friendly face to check in with them as well as a nutritious meal. We appreciate

the dedication and service each Member Service continues to provide to your communities.

Their hard work upholds Meals on Wheels’ reputation and reliability.

Yours faithfully,

Evan Hill

Chief Executive Officer

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